Saturday, October 9, 2010

Kaydence's Birthday

I still can't believe that my baby is 5!! She had such a fun birthday this year. We had a BBQ with family and close friends at our house. We decided to make our own pinata this year and it was all Kaydence could talk about that day.

she made such a mess but it was really fun to make with her. It was pretty much indestructable at the party though. It had to be smashed to get the candy out.
Here is the birthday girl with her attitude.

Grayson and Olivia came and loved anyone who would feed them!
We were so happy that Jaylee could come this year. Kaydence adores her and they love getting together. Their birthday are a day and a year apart so Kaydence was able to go to Jay's party the day after hers.
Olivia loved the bounce house, she was so cute!

Kaydence received so many great gifts, thank you everyone for everything and for coming to enjoy Kaydence's birthday we love you all!!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Lagoon and Summer Fun!

We were able to go to Lagoon in June with Josh's family. Kaydence loved it like always! We went to the water park first this, year but I didn't get any picture cause I didn't want my camera ruined in the water. After the water park we had to go on all the kiddie rides.

She loved the cars!

When she rode this ride before she was 2 she tried to climb out, Josh had to jump the fence cause the ride attendant was not paying attention. Thank goodness she stays in now.

Olivia and Grayson were so cute when they rode the boats together.

This is the cutest picture of Olivia! We just love the babies! We had a great time and Lagoon and all the kids went home with a prize.

Kaydence has also loved to swim this summer, I think if she could live in the water she would!

This is her little pool grandma and grandpa bought her, she loves to fill up her squirt guns and chase anyone around.

This is Kaydence's attempt at putting sunscreen on by herself.

Grandpa is such a trooper, he watches her once a week while I work and the get in the pool at least twice that day. He always has to get in with her and she always asks him if he put sunscreen on his boobs and belly.

Here is our garden, Josh is so proud of it! He loves doing one every year and it is so nice to have fresh veggies all the time.

I saved the best picture for last. This is a drawing of daddy and Kaydence drew the "thing he pees out of" she doesn't know the proper name yet because she is way to verbal! Also Josh is way modest around her (she has never seen him pee or change or shower or anything) so we figured she learned all about it while helping Grandma Kaye change baby Grayson.
We have had a great summer and get to go a few more places this week while Josh is off, I will post more pictures later, peace!


I have been horrible at updating our blog, I can't believe it has been 2 months. We started to remodel our kitchen last December, not a smart idea to do in the winter a good lesson learned! Our cupboards were in great condition so I figured I could redo them with no problem. Well it was a lot more work than I expected but well worth it! I didn't have a camera for the before pictures it broke, but the cupboard color before were oak and the wall color was a blueish green color.

Sorry the kitchen is dirty in the picture, thats how it is most of the time, looks like ten people live here instead of just three.

We replaced the old hood, it was disgusting!

We bought nice hardware and hinges as well, but next time I will do knobs instead of handles even with a little tool to put them on there are still some imperfections.

We really like how it all turned out and I hope it will bring in some potential buyers in a couple months when the house goes up for sale. We have a few other things we are remodeling on the house I will post pictures when they are done as well.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Pre-school Graduation

Kaydence graduated from her first year of pre-school! We are so proud of her, she seems to be learning a lot. She will return in the fall since her birthday falls 12 days after the deadline for Kindergarten. The theme for graduation was super heros. Kaydence had Grandma Kaye make her a cape. We took a trip to Walmart and she picked out some material, it turned out great. They did a littl program with all the kids and then read the names. The first attempt to read Kaydences name she was in the potty. The kids got to crawl through a little tunnel , then give the bad guy, which was a bad guys, a little punch or kick. Kaydence attacked him!

After the celebration we headed outside for a BBQ. Kaydence was able to say goodbye to her favorite teachers that were either graduating or moving.

This is Mr. Jack she loved him!! At the dino park she followed him around everywhere!

This is Mr. Travis he was also one of her favorite!

This is the head teacher Mandy. She is such a great teacher and just loves the kids!
Kaydence had a great year and cannot wait to return in the fall!

Dino Park

For Kaydence's last field trip at school this year she got to go to the Dinosaur Park! She was so excited even more that momma got to come with her. This was her first trip to the Dino Park, ya I know we need to get out more, she loved every minute! I think her favorite part was the playground and the little digging area to find dino bones!

Sunday, April 25, 2010


So this is how our weekend started off. We went to our friends graduation party friday night and Kaydence ended up with a shiner! Lauren has a good arm and threw a book at her and it hit her just right. We still had a great time anyway. On Saturday we decided to go up to Logan and visit Bonnie, Joel and Olivia.

I can't believe how big Olivia is getting, she is just the cutest thing!! We love getting to see her and she loves to watch Kaydence run around.

It was such a nice day that we had a BBQ outside. After eating Kaydence had to play hide and seek with daddy, she was hiding behind the tree.

After all the hard work playing outside the girls needed a bath. Kaydence jumped at the chance to take a bath with Olivia. They were so cute together. We had such a great time up in Logan, thanks Bonnie and Joel we will definately do it again!

Date Night with the Hubby

This year for my birthday Josh bought me tickets to Lifehouse and Daughtry. I love love love Lifehouse, one of my all time favorite bands!! So we finally got to go to the concert on April 22 and it was a blast! Since Josh was already in Salt Lake I rode the train down and met up with him. We ate at a small cafe that is one of his clients, it was really good, home cookin food and cheap too. I actually remembered the camera this time and got some pictures.

Dont worry I only had about 4 beers before this picture!

These pictures are not the best it was a little dark.

Saturday, March 20, 2010


This I feel has been the title of my life for the past 21 months. It has become a part of my family and something I constantly think about. It has caused a lot of confusion and sadness in our lives. I have been thinking about it a lot lately and I know it is something that will always be a part of my life, but it is up to me to make it as positive as I possibly can. So thats what I am going to try and do from now on. I realize how blessed I am, I have an amazing husband that would go to the end of the earth for me and he is an incredible dad I love him dearly. I have a beautiful little girl that I have enjoyed watching learn and grow every day, she is amazing! Our families have been supportive and loving every step of the way. The lord and the gospel have been a constant support in my life and I know how much he loves me and he has carried me. Wonderful friends who know exactly how I am feeling and have been encouraging and helpful. Of course my doctor who I have probably seen more in the past few months then some of my family. He has been wonderful at helping us and wont give up. With all that I have how can I feel sorry for myself anymore. I can't! I am going to be more positive and try harder to strengthen all that I have in my life!

Now thats off my chest I can update you on our progress. Josh finally got to do his part and get tested to check every aspect of his semen. Lucky he only has one small problem the mucus that carries the sperm is too thick, which means it is hard for the sperm to get out and go find their mate. So with my PCOS and thick mucus makes it hard to make a baby. So our next option is IUI which means the doctor takes a sample for Josh, washes it so it is just sperm, puts and tiny tube into my uterus and shoots the sperm up there. Sorry if this is TMI but to me knowledge is power and I have become very open hoping I can help others in some way. So this will the next adventure on our road of infertility. Josh has an amazing sperm count and I have been doing really well on the fertility drugs so with a little extra help we hope the end results will be a little bundle of joy!

P.S. I really have a great doctor, that is really cheap for infertility. I only pay 35 dollars a month which includes MANY visits and ultrasounds. Then for IUI it will cost 150 dollars which after doing research is cheap, I have seen anywhere from 300 to 600 dollars. Anyway, if anyone is dealing with infertility I would highly recommend my doctor, let me know if you want more info :)

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Kaydence's First School Pictures

Kaydence has loved going to pre-school this year! She will wake up out of a dead sleep if I tell her she has school today! She goes to school at Roy High in the Royal Tot Pre-school. She has a large class, but has a lot of teachers that she loves! It has been a nice break in the morning for me I can get things done without her everywhere. I can also exercise so much easy because when Kaydence does it with my I just end up laughing so hard I can't breathe! Everything else is going well for our family, nothing new right now we will keep ya posted!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Animal Personality Test


The Animal In You - You're a Dog!

Thanks for taking the Animal In You personality test! We've determined that your personality best matches the Dog, but you might also be an Owl or a Sheep.
Click here to take the test and find out more about over forty other animal types!


The Animal In You - You're a Bison!

Thanks for taking the Animal In You personality test! We've determined that your personality best matches the Bison, but you might also be a Wolf or a Bear. Click here to take the test and find out more about over forty other animal types!

So I seen this Animal test on Dr. Phil the other day and thought it would be fun to try. Of course I got Bison had to get an animal that looks like me I guess :). Josh was a dog, it is interesting to read through the info and see how much is true. Anyway all is good with us, I will try and update more and include some pictures next time!