So as many of you know, if you don't you will know now, that we have been trying to have another baby for well over a year now. This has been exhausting and frustrating I really don't know how people do this for year after year, I am way too impaitent. I started going to my doctor after we hit the year mark for ultra sounds to time ovulation. This can get time consuming and costly with gas and missed hours at work. I didn't really mind because I really want a baby and I have a great OB, best doctor around seriously! Well this month my folicles just decided to do a whole lot of nothing, just sit there. So after several visits and no progress and the look of my ovaries, he said I had PCOS which is poly cystic ovarian syndrome. Which means that my ovaries have created this beautiful pearl necklace effect and none of them are becoming "ripe" to pop, in other word nobody is going down the slide to meet the swimmers at the park called my uterus. No eggs = no baby creating. So next step is medicince called Metaformin. Since PCOS can cause insulin resistiance, which causes great side effects like weight gain, acne and hair growth, but not on your head. So if any of you are wondering wow, Amber really let herself go, just remeber it is not 100 % my fault, trust me, I hate it! So today I started the medicine and try to continue to be positive, which is very hard. I have felt lost lately and frustrated at something that came so easy the first time is causing me so many problems this time. I know the lord has a plan for us and I need to learn from this situation. I also know how blessed I am to have a wonderful husband who puts up with so much and is always supportive, and I have a beautiful daughter that we both love dearly! I am okay that if I do not have any more children biologically that there are plenty of kids out there that need a loving home, no matter what race or culture they come from. I am also thinking about taking applications for those of you out there who would like to lend me your uterus, just for about nine or ten months. :)